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What's the "best way" to buy our books?
We are appreciative of every customer who chooses to purchase our products. You can purchase from our site or you can purchase on Amazon. But you would not be able to purchase our products from either of these places were it not for the local bookstores we frequented (and worked in!) throughout our lives - because we never would have gotten into edutainment language learning materials to begin with! That's why we are so proud to be able to also direct you to your favourite Canadian independent retailers to find our books.
Our children's books are available for special order through any independent book retailer in Canada that uses Bookmanager: Contact your favourite one to ask for those.
We are looking forward to expanding this list in 2024, but, for now, School House Teaching Supplies in Victoria, British Columbia is the go-to small business (independent, family-owned and woman-lead) brick-and-mortar bookstore where you can find copies of our children's books in store and special order any other books we make (and they ship internationally!).