A Little Reading
Welcome! This is where you will be able to find readings of all of our children's books and vocabulary tracks for all of our vocabulary study books. We are working hard to update our audio library for you.
In this library the recordings will be offered both in video form and in the form of podcast episodes. We have done this to create flexibility in how you study or share the recordings, and so you can take our children's books or vocabulary study materials on the road with you!
Each video reading will have an introduction explaining the format of the videos and timestamps in the video's Audio Menu in the library to allow you to skip to the video section that interests you. The podcast is formatted with all pronunciation practice tracks in one episode for vocabulary books, and separate episodes for the Mandarin and English readings of our children's books.
We have created a tutorial called "Mandarin Pronunciation In a Nutshell" in English to help people understand the basic similarities and differences between pronunciation in English and Mandarin Chinese; the library starts there.
Find Sandy the Crab's Little Audio Library podcast wherever you stream by searching for "Little Audio Library" and be sure to check out our YouTube channel for these videos and much more!

Audio Menu
- Introduction
- Section 1: Mandarin and English Have Similarities (0:50)
- Section 2: Mandarin is a Tonal Language (2:30)
- Section 3: There Are Sounds in Mandarin Not Found in English (4:37)
- Conclusion (5:04)
Pronunciation Tutorial: Mandarin Pronunciation in a Nutshell

Audio Menu
- Introduction
- First Group of Sounds (0:20)
- Second Group of Sounds (2:46)
- Third Group of Sounds (3:20)
- Conclusion (4:45)
Pronunciation Tutorial: The 10 Special Sounds in Mandarin

Audio Menu
Nursery Rhyme Recitations Tracks video coming soon
Vegetables! / 蔬菜!
Podcast episode: Poems in English
Podcast episode: Poems in Mandarin

Audio Menu
Audio Narration video coming soon
Little Byron - 小白任
Podcast episode: Reading in English
Podcast episode: Reading in Mandarin

Audio Menu
Pronunciation Tracks video coming soon
ABCs of Christmas / 圣诞节
Podcast episode: Vocabulary read in Mandarin and English (available now - click the link to access)